Try the features you heard about at HashiConf including CDKTF Golang support, and the HCP Terraform private registry. Version Terraform, state, providers, and HCP Terraform.
8 tutorials
Add public providers and modules to your private registry
Curate modules and providers for your organization using a private registry. Track approved modules and providers for your organization's use.
Build AWS infrastructure with CDK for Terraform
Use CDK for Terraform (CDKTF) to write infrastructure as code configurations in TypeScript, Python, Go, C#, or Java. Initialize a new CDKTF project, then provision an EC2 instance on AWS using CDKTF.
Deploy Lambda functions with TypeScript and CDK for Terraform
Provision multiple AWS Lambda functions, S3 Buckets, and IAM roles that share the same TypeScript code in stacks, using CDK for Terraform (CDKTF).
Manage Terraform versions
Update an existing configuration to work with a newer version of Terraform. Use the required_version setting to pin the Terraform versions for your projects. Manage different versions of Terraform across your team.
Lock and upgrade provider versions
Manage your provider versions using the dependency lock file. Use version constraints to filter provider versions compatible with your configuration. Update your lock file to use a new provider version.
Upgrade Terraform version in HCP Terraform
Upgrade the Terraform version an HCP Terraform workspace uses. Generate a JSON report of Terraform versions used across your organization's workspaces.
Version remote state with the HCP Terraform API
Deploy an EC2 instance to an HCP Terraform workspace and use the Terraform API to interact with and update state.
Use refresh-only mode to sync Terraform state
Use refresh-only plans and applies to update Terraform state to match real-world infrastructure. Understand the implicit refresh behavior in Terraform plan and apply operations.